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Repliance answers security questionnaires so you don't have to!

Our product uses your security policies and procedures to answer third party risk management questionnaires.

It will save your business time and help you close sales faster!

What are security questionnaires and why are they important?

Security questionnaires are used to assess how much risk a vendor carries and should be part of your risk management process.

It’s common for this analysis to live in the sales pipeline. Before you close a sale with a potential customer, you have to prove that your organization will handle their data securely. This is part of your customer’s due diligence process and how you respond could set you apart from the competition!

Vendor security management comes in many forms depending on industry and even company size. The way organizations find out if a potential vendor is following security best practices is determined through security questionnaires and compliance audits.

In its simplest form, you will receive a security questionnaire from your potential client. These questionnaires address topics such as assessment protocols you have in place, internal policies, risk management, infrastructure, access control, incident response programs, whether or not you are following official information security standards, to name a few.

For those new to risk management, check out our Beginner's Guide to Effective Risk Management.