Introducing Repliance!

May 3, 2024

Repliance is a premium Vendor Security Questionnaire (aka VSQ) service.

If you have ever encountered a VSQ with hundreds of questions, you know how excruciating they are to deal with. VSQs can be lengthy, tedious, and resource-intensive, but they are critical to the sales pipeline of any modern B2B company.

Repliance does more than just answer VSQs. We support Sales by building a comprehensive understanding of your environment and operations. We combine that knowledge with our expertise to swiftly provide high-quality, defensible answers to your VSQs. Our understanding allows us to improve your organizational interactions and produce insights from the VSQ process.

Repliance as a Service

We love supporting and improving Sales. Because we are a service, we’re flexible! We haven’t just built a product to support a specific company type or use case – we are a premium service customized to support how your company wants to handle VSQs and to maximize the impact of that work across your company. We're the intermediary between your Sales team and the technology, people, and processes that make your organization excel.

In every Repliance engagement, clients are assigned an analyst. Repliance analysts help your team keep data and documentation used for answering VSQs up to date. Our analysts learn about your technologies, products, and teams, which gives us the critical context for how VSQs should be handled and answered. As part of Sales Enablement, our analysts become an extension of how your organization represents and engages with Sales.

What is Sales Enablement

Sales Enablement is setting up your company to sell your products successfully. That could mean supporting Sales representatives with content, best practices, services, training, and even technology. In today’s world, this has extended to conveying how secure your product is, typically done via VSQs. A failure to accurately and effectively convey the quality of your product can stop prospective sales in their tracks.

Our flexible approach to supporting VSQs means we can provide clients nuanced insights. This includes providing visibility into ownership, impact of engineering changes on sales, identifying how successful Sales engagements interact with VSQs, and helping inform decision-making based on data that empowers Sales. Or sometimes, it’s just as plain as advising you on when and how to push back on VSQ requests. Our offerings come in many flavors because Sales Enablement needs vary!

Our premium service covers working directly with your teams to handle VSQ requests, optimizing Sales Enablement processes and flows, and providing operational visibility so VSQs are handled quickly and comprehensively for you.

If you’re interested in having us work within your organization to triage and prioritize inbound VSQs, that can be an add-on service. Additionally, we offer sales support if your Sales team needs real-time support with a customer to provide context on how you address critical customer risks.

We also offer emergency VSQ support. This is perfect for clients who may not yet be ready for longer-term engagements but need help closing an important deal immediately!

Full list of services:

Standard VSQ Service Repliance will maintain one standardized VSQ for you, periodically kept up to date, using industry security standards.
Premium Service VSQ Support Repliance takes unanswered VSQs and provides answered VSQs in return, including handling knowledge management, identifying internal stakeholders, and reaching out proactively as needed to confirm accuracy of information.
VSQ Triage and Prioritization (add-on option) In addition to completing VSQs, Repliance will work directly with accountable teams to triage and prioritize requests based on deal size and complexity of VSQ. Repliance will proactively identify circumstances where customer VSQ does not appropriately evaluate a client’s product.
VSQ Process Development Repliance will customize an optimal VSQ process based on client size and organizational complexity to answer VSQs quickly and comprehensively.
Live Sales Support Repliance will work directly with clients and their customers to explain how controls mitigate customer risks and enumerate alternative risk mitigations if needed.
Emergency VSQ Support Repliance will assist with sales engagements on short notice to close critical clients.

Reach out to learn how Repliance can take answering VSQs off your plate and strengthen your sales process!

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