What We Do

Repliance as a Service

Repliance is a premium service that takes the whole VSQ problem off your plate, not just answering questions. We cover people, process, and technology.

Traditional approaches provide a technology platform, but they're not complete solutions. Everything else around making the VSQ process successful still remains your problem. A traditional platform doesn’t handle coordination, prioritization, process, operations, and making sure that the right stakeholders within your company have the right information.

Repliance is a complete solution.

Our Analysts work with your company specifically, they integrate into your pre-existing communication channels and processes as an extension of your company. This allows us to customize answers to show the unique strengths of your infrastructure & product, at the level of detail appropriate for a given engagement. We’ll make sure your answers are high quality and accurate - and we’ll also help you glean insights that might otherwise get lost between organizational ownership functions.

Full list of services:

Standard VSQ Service Repliance will maintain one standardized VSQ for you, periodically kept up to date, using industry security standards.
Premium Service VSQ Support Repliance takes unanswered VSQs and provides answered VSQs in return, including handling knowledge management, identifying internal stakeholders, and reaching out proactively as needed to confirm accuracy of information.
VSQ Triage and Prioritization (add-on option) In addition to completing VSQs, Repliance will work directly with accountable teams to triage and prioritize requests based on deal size and complexity of VSQ. Repliance will proactively identify circumstances where customer VSQ does not appropriately evaluate a client’s product.
VSQ Process Development Repliance will customize an optimal VSQ process based on client size and organizational complexity to answer VSQs quickly and comprehensively.
Live Sales Support Repliance will work directly with clients and their customers to explain how controls mitigate customer risks and enumerate alternative risk mitigations if needed.
Emergency VSQ Support Repliance will assist with sales engagements on short notice to close critical clients.

We haven’t built our product to support a specific company type or use case; we are an expert concierge service, customized to support how your company wants to handle VSQs to maximize the benefits of that work across your company.

We want to support ongoing conversations about insights present in VSQs that relate to your company, including informing sales enablement, infrastructure development, and risk management.

Contact us for more information!
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